The SAMHSA comment link isn't working. And thank you for your important work.

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Ths SAMHSA comment link isn't working.

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Both of them do seem to still be working. Should be there until Dec 15. Maybe just try again? https://988crisissystemshelp.samhsa.gov/2025-national-guidelines-behavioral-health-coordinated-system-crisis-care-public-comment-promotion

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Rob, Thanks for keeping us up to date on this insidious threat!

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Has a points list been generated to help guide a strategic oppositional response? That helps a lot of people write their letters!

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Good question. And I don't know of one. I don't really see it as my role as journalist to try to take on that task more than I have already by sharing my own views. Plus, there's so much else in there that's about detailed operations of different parts of crisis systems that I don't feel fully qualified to comment on. So I'm mainly just trying to stir interest in some of the organizations that work in mental health that might want to comment and/or take leadership on something like that.

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