PsychForce.Report TV Ep.2
Rob Wipond & Jesse Mangan discuss the REAL fastest-growing homeless population
In the second episode of PsychForce.Report TV, Jesse Mangan (of Committable) and I discuss my recent research into the rising rates of homelessness among seniors that I reported on here in November.
Notably, helped by corporate media and pro-force organizations, governments want to duck responsibility for a widening housing crisis by blaming expanding homelessness on the so-called “mentally ill” and “drug addicts” who are allegedly in denial of their “need” for forced treatment. Conversely, I found that experts in community development are well aware of how our elderly are being driven into poverty, disability, and social isolation, and priced out of their homes at staggering, unprecedented rates—an awareness that, in part, has led for example to the World Health Organization’s Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities initiative.
In this video podcast, Jesse and I discuss the striking data on homelessness and seniors in North America, and the important reality that aging is one way we all will likely experience having disabilities during our lifetimes. Jesse and I then explore the important role of supportive housing as a key part of a solution for aging adults or anyone else with any serious disabilities, as well as the widespread inner fears and broader structural economic drivers behind our expanding housing crisis.
It’s a brisk 25 minutes — and in a special first-reveal to subscribers only, watch the final credits to hear a hint of one of my recent personal hobbies at play.